Hello! I live in the Washington DC area. Washington, DC is a wonderful place to take your Junior troop. Here are a few of things you requested. First - How are you traveling to Wash DC? By car, rail, or air. National Airport is the most convenient for air travel. AMTRAK has special rates for groups of 15 or more. The train station is opposite the Capitol. Travel for girls round trip Wash DC to Savannah, GA is $ 75 or less. Public transportation is readily available. Get a good map - Washington is a confusing city to drive into and through. It was purposely designed that way. Study your route into the city beforehand. Best way to get around - Metro (local subway system). I believe they have a multiday unlimited ride pass. There is a tourmobile near that goes by all the major museums, monuments, Capitol, White House, etc.. You get on and off as much as you want. I am not always sure this is cost effective as each museum can take several hours. Best Guide Book - Michelain Guide has the most comprehensive write up on DC. Other Sources of Information - Check the Travel section of this service Write to the District of Columbia Washington Convention and Visitors Assn., 1212 New York Ave, NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 789-7000 Visit your library for books on Washington, DC Your library may have a travel video on Wash DC Weather in Summer - hot and humid. Bring sun block and filled water bottles. Temperatures and humidity are in the 90s and higher. There are thunderstorms 2-3 times per week around 5 pm. Bring ponchos/umbrellas. Local GS Counci - Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital 2233 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20007-4187 Attn: Information Center Phone (202) 337-4300 (also referred to as GSCNC) E-Mail GSCNC Info@aol.com The girls can earn the 'Discover the Nation's Capital' patch. This is a local patch ($ 1.25 per patch) which introduces GSs to the highlights of Washington, DC. Girls must visit museums, monuments, etc in each of 5 categories. Contact GSCNC for requirements. The patch shows the capitol building and cherry blossoms and has silver threads. Places to Stay No GS camps near by. Camping at Greenbelt National Park (tent camping) - a great bargain at $ 10/night. At the end of June there were campsites available during the weekend. There are nature trails and good ranger programs. The park is located near a Metro station. Call (202) 344-3944 for info and campground reservations. Othe possibilities (all within a few blocks of a metro station)- see if you can get group rates, also try your corporate rates. Good rates possible with Govt. rates. Days Inn at Van Ness American Inn in Bethesda, MD WestPark Hotel in Rosslyn, VA Holiday Inns at Chevy Chase/Bethesda Food Costs - Some hotels provide a continental breakfast. You can prepare and pack daily bag lunches. Do not eat at the Air and Space Museum. Food is expensive. There are tons of MacDonalds, Roy Rogers, etc. Try the food court at Union Station. What to See - lots. The White House - contact your local Congressman/woman for special tour tickets 3-4 months in advance of your trip. The Capital Building - visit your local Representative/Congressman The Smithsonian Museums (multiple) Eat lunch in the sculpture garden. Arlington Cemetary Mount Vernon (30 minute drive south) Vietnam Memorial Skip the zoo C&O Canal Barge ride - from Georgetown. The barges are pulled by mules and often their are folk singers aboard. NASA Goddard Space Center - Nice exhibit plus 2 Sundays a month people launch their own rockets. I have seen Brownie troops build and launch their own rockets. Nice side trip or overnight - Annapolis. Scouts can stay at the Naval Academy. This is tent camping with flush toilets and showers. Tours of the academy can be made. During the summer, the girls can use the swimming pool (with lifeguard) for a fee. It may be possible to use the academy dining hall. To find out more, contact: Naval Station Annapolis Campground Bldg 89, Special Services, Scout Liaison Annapolis, MD 21401 phone (410) 267-3580 Good luck on your trip. Feel free to ask any questions. Karen